This is the first set of Alien Egg marbles created by glass artist Douglas Ferguson. Set consist of five glass marbles, from the basic Alien Egg through the Hatched Alien Egg, with a Petrified Alien Egg and others (can't remember names of the other two Alien Egg styles). I've never seen another set of Alien Egg marbles offered for sale by Doug or others. This set is definitely a rarity. Probably the only time you'll see another is when the purchaser of this set decides to sell it. I purchased these 'artist direct'. Includes "official" certificate created by Doug Ferguson to accompany this set. Does not include stands. Marbles are all signed "DMF" and individually numbered "1 of 1", "1 of 2", "1 of 3", "1 of 4", "1 of 5". Seems it should be 1 of 5, 2 of 5, etc... but an artist mind works directly than mine.